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Doing An Online Business During Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has made people to think twice on their current situation. The majority of people around the world are laid off and governments try to find a solution to their countries ‘ economy situation. For example in Norway, the government offers financial crisis package to companies and small businesses in order to help stabilize the economy in the face of coronavirus shutdowns. Traveling between the cities are restricted and at shopping centers there are signs on chairs that warns people to keep one meter distance from each other. Governments in some other countries who cannot afford to help their businesses get help from the other countries like Russia’s military planeloads of aid to Italy to combat the spread of coronavirus. Some western media accused the European Union’s failure to provide swift help to a member in crisis. Nobody knows how long this situation will last. This is why I recommend being creative in the time of crisis.


– Do an online business
– Do workout at home
– Take a walk in your neighborhood
– Do yoga ( move your body)
– This is a good time to learn something new. Try a hobby, play an instrument.
– Do cooking (check out some YouTube cooking channels and try new recipes)


I communicate with some people via my personal instagram channel where I post my photos and they lucratively ask for my advice on making money online and how to stay sane during this corona crisis.  I offered/offer various money making ideas and tips such as doing crochet and putting it up on or illustration, photography, graphic design, teaching online music etc. I also recommend being persistent in posting various interesting images on daily basis on Facebook and Instagram and through my tips some of them not only started getting more followers and engagement on their Instagram channels but also are making money. One of them is a single mother from New Jersey with 3 kids. She was struggling economically and I offered her some advice, she listened and started her creative crochet business and in a short amount of time she got more orders via Instagram to her etsy business page. I also advised implementing her social media to her business page in order to increase followers and leads.

Many hair salons have closed down due to not spreading the virus. I recommend selling online hair and beauty products to their clients and keep them engaged on social media.

Nowadays, many people save money in hopes of achieving their dream by starting what is commonly known as an e-commerce business or a “dot com” venture. They then proceed to spend the savings of their labor on great looking, functional and hopefully practical websites. However, a large percentage of such venturesome warriors that take the initiative to quit a steady job and embark on the bumpy road of e-“self employment” do not end up reaping the fruits of their courage.
The initial phases of website development both financially and emotionally drain the average venturous individual to a point that at the end of the process they are impatiently waiting for miraculous profit to be pouring their way. In reality, this seldom happens since there are thousands of such individuals both from the past and the present on the very same path striving to prosper. In order for a website to be profitable, it would have to contend in the race for traffic against hundreds of thousands, or even millions of competitors.
It is possible to attract visitors to your website via countless means however the best and the most efficient are what have been rounded up under the roof of Online Marketing. Online or Internet Marketing addresses the concerns of all those website owners that are astounded at the low returns on their investments. It helps strategize a plan to increase the popularity and traffic of the website and tackle the issues of low profits. The most important aspects of Internet Marketing are as follows:

The above are the main areas in which you have to be active in order for your online marketing campaign to be successful. However it is sometimes not possible to achieve the best results in all areas without rigorous research and extensive training. This is why you should use this opportunity and find what kind of talent you have that needs to be shown to the world. God has given each one of us a special gift, try to find out what is your creative talent and then monetize it. This coronavirus pandemic was a blessing in disguise. The world is in pause right now. Try to relax, meditate and explore your inner gift.

To your success!

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