SEO Statistics – Google Analytics is Simply Not Enough

Google Analytics is Simply Not Enough! With millions of people trying to make money on the internet around the world, having the right tools to help them in their quest is vital to their success. For those engaging in search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) and other valuable marketing techniques, understanding what works and what does not work can not only save an entrepreneur money, it can help them gain a fortune as well.

One of the most relied-upon tools for crafting an effective marketing campaign on the internet is Google Analytics. Google Analytics essentially allows an online business owner to see in statistical form how their website is performing in several different categories. For several years, Google Analytics has been the backbone of marketing information for millions of online business owners, but recent changes that Google itself has instituted have called into question the reliability of this source.


Is Google Analytics still a Reliable Source of Statistics given the recent Changes to Google? 

First and foremost, there is no doubt that Google itself has created a great line of products that have been used by many online business owners over the years. Google itself has been at the forefront of business and marketing information for entrepreneurs who are trying to launch their efforts without having to spend or invest a great deal of money.

However, there have been issues with the Google Analytics software that has plagued this system for years. Although Google Analytics is a free software system, it has been compromised by the bugs and glitches that have made it a less than reliable tool for online business. This is not to say that Google Analytics should be complete ignored, but there are better software programs out there that do a better job and reveal more pertinent information for your marketing efforts.

What You Need to Know in Running Your Online Business

You need to find your own sources of statistics that reveals accurate data about the sources of traffic to your website and other important factors as well. Such information needs to be accurate so you can make the best informed decisions about what steps need to be taken for you to succeed. This means that you need to have accurate information about the follow of incoming data to your website

Having accurate information  can help you to make a better plan for your marketing efforts. You can then better track what is working and how it is working for your website and as a result boost in sales. This is not to say that Google Analytics is worthless, but rather that the data it presents needs to be verified by other sources so you can make the best informed decision.

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Should you rely on SEO tools to track your data?

For competitor analysis and back links, SEO tools are not 100% accurate. 99,9% of them fail to keep up with Google algorithm updates. Many smart website owners block seo tools under their .htaccess file in order to hide their data from their competitors. You will have an idea of how your competitors do in regards to seo  activities online. But you will not get 100% accurate data about their activities unless you create your own in-house SEO  tool in such case nobody knows about it, and you can track data. When they don’t know about your tool, they cannot block its crawler.  SEO tools from the most expensive one to the cheapest ones don’t work. I developed my own tool since invention of negative SEO.

So what analytics can best serve you to accurately measure the statistics?

You will most likely need to purchase some good web analytics software to back up what you already have. Brands such as Coremetrics, Omniture and WebTrends are good places to start in finding the web analytics you need to insure that the information you get is accurate and reliable.

Google Analytics may be a good start, but for the health of your business finding other free and paid web analytics software is vital for your continued success.

SEO Audit Service


  • Mathew Gould

    I think Google Analytics is a great tool, for internet marketers-newbies and advanced.

  • Georgia Robinson

    Interesting article. I am just starting out in the internet marketing niche, so this is information is very helpful.

  • Eliza Mueller

    I am currently using Coremetrics and am finding it great.

  • Libby Bolder

    Very informative blog. I am considering entering into the world of internet marketing but am a bit scared. With information like this to help me better understand things certainly helps.

  • Edward Pritchard

    Great article. Will start with Google analytics and from there move onto other avenues.

  • Tara Selder

    I am quite interested in the “multilingual” SEO link building side of things. I have had lots of traffic in a very short period time sent to my website but never realised that put me way behind in Google.

  • Stephen Wright

    I would like to thank you Maria Johnsen. Your service is second to none. My business has increased, not just in quantity of sales but in profits since we got you on board. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you!!!

  • Karen Toppolino

    I could not agree more with Stephens comment. It only took a matter of a few weeks before I could see the outstanding results that were starting to happen. Well worth the investment in Maria.

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  • David Lochs

    Just that title “Google Analytics is not enough” is so so true. I highly recommend Maria Johnsen’s expertise, Maria a massive thank you from me.

  • Simon Leanon

    Hi my name is Simon and am very interested in your multilingual content writing. Is this automatically translated back to me in English if they have questions about any of my products?

    • maria

      Hello Simon,

      My articles are not automatically translated to a target language. I am fluent in several languages and write them in a target language. If you need content for your multilingual website, please drop me a line and we take it from there. Have a lovely day:-)

  • Michelle Green

    Maria, this is a great blog. The world of internet, google and all the other bits and bobs that are available to us is a complete minefield. This is a great informative blog that is relevant to pretty much anyone dealing with business on the internet.

    • maria

      Thank you Michelle, I appreciate the thought and comment. I work hard to increase awareness about what is going on search engines. There are many artificially generated information about Google’s products. Someone should tell what really is going on in online marketing. Every body praise Google analytics and nobody talks about problems with this analytics. Business owners are confused because they check google analytics in their back end and all they get is not the real data and information about their websites. This is why i wrote this article to let business owners know that they are not alone in suspecting Google analytics’ accuracy.

  • Lauren Rolder

    I personally think you need to use both SEO and PPC for any online business in order to get optimal results. So to have someone like Maria who knows everything there is to know about the latest and up to date technology in this area, is a too great an opportunity to not take up.

  • Harry Loddon

    I completely agree with Lauren. I use both SEO and PPC for my website.

  • Georgia Robinson

    “Perpetual monitoring of your competition” sounds fantastic! I wish I knew how. I definitely will be contacting you soon Maria in regards to this.

  • Oliver Simpson

    Maria, you definitely seem to have extensive experience in all of this. I must say you are right about the fact that there are false beliefs out there about Google Analytics. I myself have fallen victim to this, wish I had come across your website prior to that!

    • maria

      Hello Oliver,

      Thank you for your comment. It is ok to use Google analyticss but it is not ok to rely on its data.