
Over 12 years we’ve been helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. We are a values-driven Multilingual Digital Marketing agency. Whatever your need is, we are here to help and won’t stop until you get the results you wish for.

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Multilingual SEO Prices

SEO prices per month

Monthly SEO Prices or Pay as You Go

SEO prices can vary significantly depending on the scope of work, the competitiveness of the industry, and the keyword which you wish to rank high in search engines. Multilingual SEO prices are are designed either pay as you go or monthly.  I optimize your websites for Core Web Vitals SEO optimization. This means that you need to get the best SEO services at the right prices that bring in the most customers at the lowest prices. You can start on your path to expanding the customer base and pulling in more sales by purchasing cost effective SEO packages. The different types of SEO packages presented are based on the number of keywords and key phrases that your site will be optimized for and the first pages of search engine results. This means that your website will carry the words and phrases used by potential customers when they type queries into popular search engines looking for the products or services you provide. The pricing structure for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services is not one-size-fits-all, and several key elements can affect what you’ll pay for SEO.

Firstly, the complexity of your website and your industry’s competitiveness play a significant role in SEO pricing. If you operate in a highly competitive niche or have a large, intricate website, you can expect higher SEO costs as more time and resources are required to achieve desirable results.

Secondly, the scope of work determines pricing. Basic SEO services like on-page optimization and keyword research will generally cost less than comprehensive packages that include content creation, link building, and ongoing maintenance.

multilingual seo

SEO prices can vary widely, making it essential for businesses to understand the factors that influence these costs.

When the customer types in the keywords and key phrases that match the ones on your website, your link will appear prominently on the search results pages. This results in more customers finding and choosing your business. When that happens, your profits start going up as customer traffic is being built, and your products/services are being purchased.

When it comes to SEO prices, several factors come into play, and I, as the provider of my multilingual SEO service, will consider them carefully to offer you a fair quote.

First and foremost, I am an experienced SEO provider who worked on many projects in different niches. With a proven track record and expertise, my services may be priced higher than less established providers.

Geographical location is another factor to consider. My SEO pricing may vary based on the cost of living in your region. Generally, areas with higher living costs tend to have higher SEO service rates.

Furthermore, your specific goals will also play a crucial role in determining the cost. If you require local SEO targeting a smaller audience, the price may be more affordable compared to national or international SEO campaigns, which involve broader and more complex strategies.

The pricing of my SEO services is influenced by a combination of factors, including the competitiveness of your industry, the scope of work required, my reputation as a service provider, your location, and the results you aim to achieve. To receive an accurate quote tailored to your unique needs and goals, I recommend consulting with me, an SEO professional, who can assess your specific requirements and provide you with a personalized pricing proposal.

Benefits of Maria Johnsen’s  Multilingual SEO Packages

  • Global Reach and Visibility: Maria Johnsen’s multilingual SEO packages empower your business to tap into new markets and connect with a vast, untapped audience. By optimizing your website for multiple languages, you increase your chances of appearing in search results across the globe, boosting brand visibility and recognition.
  • Cultural Relevance: Effective communication isn’t just about language; it’s about understanding cultural sensitivities, preferences, and trends. Maria Johnsen’s multilingual SEO packages ensure that your content is not only translated accurately but also culturally relevant, resonating with users on a deeper level.
  • Competitive Edge: While many businesses focus on local SEO, investing in multilingual SEO gives you a distinct advantage. It sets you apart from competitors and positions you as a brand that is dedicated to serving diverse audiences.
  • Enhanced User Experience: A seamless user experience is paramount for website success. Multilingual SEO optimizes user experience by providing content in users’ native languages, making navigation easier and fostering a sense of trust.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Users are more likely to engage with content that is available in their own language. Multilingual SEO increases the chances of user engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and business growth.


SEO prices

What’s Included in Maria Johnsen’s multilingual SEO  Packages?

  • Keyword Research and Analysis: Multilingual SEO begins with in-depth research to identify high-performing keywords in each target language. This ensures that your content aligns with the phrases users are searching for in specific regions.
  • Localized Content Creation: Multilingual SEO packages include the creation of culturally relevant and language-specific content. This involves adapting existing content or generating new content that resonates with the target audience.
  • Technical Optimization: Ensuring your website’s technical aspects are in line with SEO best practices is crucial. Multilingual SEO packages involve optimizing metadata, hreflang tags, and other technical elements for each language.
  • Link Building and Outreach: Building quality backlinks from region-specific websites enhances your website’s authority and credibility in each target market.
  • Performance Tracking and Reporting: Effective multilingual SEO is an ongoing process. Packages often include regular performance tracking, analysis, and reporting to measure the impact of your strategy and make necessary adjustments.


For ongoing monthly SEO campaign please contact our customer service


Get Multilingual SEO in 18 languages! 


£ 2000

Monthly Package

  • Two languages
  • Two keywords
  • One Way Link Building
  • Article distribution
  • Core Web Vitals Optimization
  • Maria Johnsen's SEO strategy
  • On page optimization
  • Two search engines

£ 4000

Monthly Package

  • Four languages
  • Four keywords
  • One Way Link Building
  • Article distribution
  • Core Web Vitals Optimization
  • Maria Johnsen's SEO strategy
  • On page optimization
  • Two search engines

£ 8000

Monthly Package

  • Six languages
  • Six keywords
  • One Way Link Building
  • Article distribution
  • Core Web Vitals Optimization
  • Maria Johnsen's SEO strategy
  • On page optimization
  • Two search engines

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