Twitter – Dangerous, Insecure and Arbitrarily Narrow Social Network
Twitter claimed its place gradually since its creation in 2006. However users discovered a number of problems that this social site carried with it. I joined Twitter when it was started back in 2006 and my account got hacked many times back then until in 2009 after changing my username, the hacking stopped. My account got verified blue badge in 2015 because of the coverage about me in media on global level. When A.I implemented in Twitter algorithm in 2018, I thought bullying and harassment was over. In 2019 cyber stalking and harassment showed its ugly face once again.

Twitter AI system has many drawbacks which causes glitches all the time. The site largely lacks any human technical support. All autoresponders and support tickets are handled by bots. Twitter’s lack of human support creates a negative impact on the users.
The AI algorithm of Twitter is devoid of any sort of prediction of the correct news. Twitter added many keywords and key phrases to its algorithm which mistakenly get users’ account shadowbanned and suspended such as: online brand reputation, text mining, reputation, computer etc. Since Twitter has implemented A.I ,many users are getting shadow-banned and suspended. Not all users are violating Twitter’s guidelines. For example: if a user’s account gets falsely reported by different IP addresses, the account will automatically be suspended. A competitor can easily get a Twitter account suspended either via reporting the Twitter account to trigger suspension bots or paying a hacker to compromise the account. Even Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO account got suspended.

There are many hacking tools which hackers use in order to suspend a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media accounts.
My verified Twitter account @imariajohnsen got hacked on May 16th 2019 by a hacker and got suspended. The hacker demanded a great amount of money or he’d hack to my account. I told him i have a secure password, he said i don’t need your password, pay today or your account will be suspended. He sent me a Bitcoin site to make the payment. I refused and he hacked it. After seeing my account got hacked, I appealed on Twitter and received a bot generated auto-responder from Twitter which didn’t solve the problem. The hacker before hacking into my account, sent me attached video clip to prove it and make a point.
Right after receiving the video he gave me one hour to pay the money. I didn’t pay and my account got suspended. My team including my company Golden Way Media @goldenwaymedia decided to shout down their Twitter accounts. We will be using decentralized social media networks. I reported the hacker to both local and international police authorities and data crime division. I will spread the word on the web and warn people and companies not to use twitter anymore.
Twitter lacks proper security protocols. This social network is compromising users’ accounts with bunch of faulty algorithmic issues. Bots control everything.
Following are some of the reasons why you should reconsider using Twitter:
- Spam: Spammy accounts have been quite annoying lately. With such a large number of Twitter users, it is difficult to determine the originality of the users’ account. The other factor that puts it in the dark is the decreased traffic that it brings along. As compared to Facebook, it draws less attention to itself.
- Navigation issues: There are a large number of tweets that are sent on Twitter every day. This makes it difficult to navigate the tweet you are looking for. Using hashtags (#) lost its magic. Whether you use less or more hashtags, they are not effective anymore. This makes it difficult to get your voice across the platform. This is an issue that has been a problem for a long time.
- Market Value: When it comes to market values, this social network has the lowest conversion rates compared to the decentralized social networks which are driven by Blockchain.
- Lack of social engagement: Everybody is tweeting, nobody pays attention. The whole Twitter is focused on Trump and political discussions. This is not how social sharing and engagement should be on a social network. This creates a barrier between the users and causes conflict.
- Celebrity Gossips and Celebrity News: Just like Facebook, Twitter runs on the gossips and celebrities news. It has been the biggest trend since day one. Hence, this kind of news is always in the spotlight leaving less space for the other businesses to take off on the popularity level effectively.
- Ineffectiveness of Influencer Marketing: Low conversion, less clicks and spammy bot generated useless comments and memes which are not good for a business who is using influencer marketing on Twitter.
- Bulk follow and unfollow: It’s been a trend since day one. Users constantly use the ‘follow back’ term to boost their accounts. This method is highly artificial and damaging in the long run. It snatches away the quality of the platform and the general engagement with the audience.
- Ineffectiveness of Twitter Ads: Using Twitter ads is a waste of time and money.Why companies would pay to Twitter to get spam and defamatory comments? I check out the majority of ads from New York Times to block chain conference ads all contain spam and defamatory comments. Why would they run these ads and waste their money? It is against the brand instead of helping with sales and branding.
- Using Quiz on Twitter is pointless:It cannot be a proper research tool for students and research projects.
- Twitter Analytics Issue: Twitter Analytics doesn’t show the correct data. For example I am a cat person, my Twitter analytics shows wrong data among the other categories, such as: A.I, digital marketing, SEO , marketing etc.
- Twitter Shadow Ban: Twitter shadow bans accounts on regular basis. This is due to algorithm glitches and bad engineering which causes dissatisfaction and frustration among Twitter users.
- Lack of Human Support System. There is no human who answers to users.
- Paid Twitter Trend: Paying $200K for running a paid Twitter Trend just for duration of 24 hours, isn’t something that can be beneficial for users and businesses unless you’re Lady Gaga with over 1000.000 fake twitter accounts, in such case you got enough money to mess around.This type of promotion is too expensive and ineffective. Twitter claims they are getting rid of bot generated accounts, but in reality they will lose the user counts in comparison with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube. It commercially harms Twitter if they delete users’ accounts and their competitors take advantage of it. The more users, the better investing opportunities in Wall street. It is a game of numbers.
- Lack of Freedom of Speech: Dictatorship rules on Twitter.
- Unreliable Source of News: The fake Twitter Trend ( aka Twitter Ad Trend) empowers fake news.
- Group harassment against Targeted Users: back in 2015 I wrote an article about SSL/TLS security vulnerabilities and warned multilingual websites about it. My article went viral online including on Twitter. My name became a trend for two weeks on Twitter because of it.

Then I got bullied and disrespected by Troy Hunt an Australian black hat hacker and his novices who not only harassed me on Twitter but also DDOS attacked my entire website to make a point that I was wrong and SSL/TLS protocol is safe. A few months later 11 million websites which used HTTPS:// got hacked, finally the U.S government published a warning about SSL/TLS vulnerability to increase awareness on global level. Now look? This time my Twitter got hacked.I wonder why??
- Short Lifespan of a Tweet
- The central viewpoint is repeatedly echoed: If one person writes positive about a topic, then everybody comments almost the same thing. If someone writes negative, then all the way down all comments are negatively rehashed and shared.
- Tweet Theft My images and tweets have been stolen most of the time by people who took credit for my work. I was followed by the large number of people including investors, Industry 4.0 business owners, influencers, digital marketing, SEO experts, social media, A.I and cyber security experts. Even some journalists who have column in huff post, New York Times , Washington post followed me, because my content was fresh and informative. They got inspired by my tech related articles and research.
Social media has been highly useful until the recent years after the U.S 2016 presidential election. Centralized social networks such as Twitter can hurt a business and ruin a person’s life. Twitter has been used with a business perspective but has it proved to be useless. The death knell of Twitter is around the corner. Just like MySpace ‘s glorious time ended. Someone will buy Twitter while businesses enjoy decentralized social networks. I take this whole Twitter suspension drama as a blessing in disguise to stop using Twitter and start becoming active in decentralized social networks which are running on blockchain. Would you like to join? Please comment, share and let me know your thoughts.