Take Security Advice From SEO and Web Security Expert
The significance of search engine optimization (SEO) cannot be overstated in the realms of business and digital marketing. While search engines are regarded as intelligent providers of information services, they still require assistance, and SEO serves this purpose. Why?
Search engines comprehend broad and generic information, prompting continual updates to their algorithms by providers like Google to enhance user experience. However, these engines often fail to deliver the specific, nuanced information users seek. Companies operate with unique terminologies and datasets, leading to suboptimal search results from conventional engines. For instance, a cybersecurity firm or a software company may require specialized search functionalities absent in mainstream engines.
To truly cater to online users, search engine providers must grasp users’ individual worlds and data. An ideal search engine should intuitively understand users’ search patterns and preferences beyond mere language, such as dialects and voice patterns. While Google’s personalized search is a step forward, it remains rudimentary. Developing a personalized AI search system that transcends text input to incorporate voice commands promises a more immersive and accurate search experience.
Considering these limitations, it becomes evident why businesses require the expertise of SEO professionals to navigate the complexities of online visibility and ensure their content resonates effectively with their target audience.
SEO, short for “Search Engine Optimization,” is a service dedicated to optimizing the efficiency and speed of information retrieval, branding, keyword research, website enhancement, and the presentation of search results. By facilitating easy access to websites for numerous online visitors seeking various information, SEO plays a crucial role in connecting websites with their target audiences. It ensures websites are easily discoverable by popular search engines and high-authority websites like Google, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Baidu, Bing, Yippy Search, Yahoo Search, and others, thereby increasing traffic to these sites. Moreover, SEO aids in developing websites that meet the criteria set by search engines, ultimately leading to significant growth in sales and business expansion. Recognizing the unparalleled importance of online advertising, industries increasingly invest in website ownership to bolster their business endeavors.
Websites are vulnerable to a range of threats, including hackers who can disrupt site operations and seize control from owners. Given the persistent presence of hackers on the internet, site owners often enlist the expertise of cybersecurity professionals to safeguard their domains. While cybersecurity experts play a crucial role in ensuring website security, the integration of an SEO expert well-versed in cybersecurity offers a distinct advantage over other site owners.
Take Security Advice From SEO and Web Security Expert
Indeed, the mere presence of a website online doesn’t guarantee optimal utilization of internet opportunities without the expertise of an SEO professional. However, having an SEO expert with a background in cybersecurity offers more than just enhanced security; it provides a multitude of advantages.
Firstly, an SEO expert brings a comprehensive understanding of internet marketing beyond the basics. They stay updated on industry trends and possess the skills to connect your site with a vast audience of internet users. This ensures your website remains visible and accessible to potential customers, driving organic traffic and boosting your online presence.
Moreover, the integration of cybersecurity knowledge into SEO strategies offers additional benefits. By safeguarding your website against potential threats, such as hacking attempts and data breaches, an SEO expert with cybersecurity expertise ensures the integrity and reputation of your brand online. This not only protects your business but also enhances trust and credibility among your target audience.
Why you should Take Security Advice From SEO and Web Security Expert? Through the intervention of a SEO expert with cyber-security knowledge, you can concentrate fully on your business and be rest assured that the aspects of security, visibility, branding and the overall performance of your business website are in capable hands who will handle them with unrivaled dexterity. An SEO expert helps the site owner to grow his business and meet up with his set goals.
Conclusively, the need for a website to have an SEO expert with great knowledge and expertise in cyber-security preponderates having just a cyber-security expert in that they are multi-functional and help the site owner get multi-service at a cheaper rate.
Furthermore, an optimized online presence facilitated by an SEO expert contributes to improved brand visibility and recognition, ultimately leading to higher search engine rankings. As your website gains prominence in search results, you’ll attract more organic traffic and reduce reliance on costly marketing efforts.
In essence, the synergy between SEO and cybersecurity expertise not only ensures the security of your website but also amplifies your brand’s online visibility, credibility, and success. It’s a strategic investment that yields significant returns in terms of enhanced security, brand reputation, and cost-effective marketing.
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I read your article on not using Twitter and just deleted my Twitter account Maria. I wasted my time on Twitter.
You did the right thing, Angela. 🙂
I just landed on this article, I agree with you on choosing SEO expert who knows web security. BTW! I just bought your book on digital marketing. Thanks for being there, Maria.
Thank you for stopping by and enjoy reading my book.:-)
Twitter should delete Troy Hunt’s account. The man is a bully. Making fun of people because of their religious belief is never ok. I checked his account and saw his so called followers use the same pattern of mocking people just what he does.
Troy Hunt’s marketing team sucks! Never trust a blackhat hacker. He spent a lot of money on creating Wikipedia for himself. A true narcissist! Someone should get him to take narcissist test.lol
Troy Hunt wanted your attention, Maria. Sorry to hear what he did to your website and got his novices to bother you online. DDOS attacking your website because of warning people about HTTPS:// vulnerabilities is an act of a coward.
Hi Maria! I just read this article and agree with you. Companies should take security advice from seo/cyber security expert. Nobody cares about Troy Hunt and his crappy social media channels. He just wanted your attention.
Troy Hunt is a jackass. I am following all your social media channels and love your articles. Your belief in reincarnation has nothing to do with your knowledge and expertise in web security and cyber security. I am sorry to read about what he did to you on Twitter. This guy bullies influencers like you. This is his way to get more attention and drive in more traffic to his website and social media channels. You did a good thing to ignore the son of a bitch.
I optimize websites and sometimes I come across some guys who think we just wave a magic wand and boom, a website gets ranked. SEOs are hardworking people.
Many of these web security guys are arrogant and jackass. I don’t trust them.
It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. Back in 2015 I wrote an article about vulnerability of SSL/TLS and if multilingual websites should use SSL or not, the article went viral on Twitter many businesses agreed with me and explained their cases about drawbacks of SSL/TLS, then a web security guy whose name is Troy Hunt started mocking me, encouraging his fellow friends to make fun of me because of it. He used his fake twitter accounts to bombard my other tweets which were about defamation and anti-cyber bullying with crappy comments and called me names. One of them was even rude and tweeted that you must take down your article. I asked why? He wrote people listen to you. Troy Hunt who started all this circus, DDOS attacked my website the same day. It took us a few hours to fix the problem. All these mumbo jumbos were for telling people the truth about SSL/TLS. He spread the word online that I have no idea what I am talking about.A year later,in 2016, 11 million HTTPS websites got hacked by hackers. If my article meant nothing why did he create a huge drama about it? He even paid to bunch of morons and called me names on forums and articles. Anyway! Two years later in 2017 I launched a service for hacked website recovery and published a case study where i proved how i cleaned a hacked website from virus, blacklisting in Google and removed hacked areas; he pasted my link on his twitter then tagged me to get my attention and started mocking me and calling me names. He pasted my Mirror UK reincarnation interview under the same thread and sent his trolls to harass me on my twitter channel, they wrote crap under each single tweet of mine, so naturally i blocked them. Then they mocked me for blocking them. He didn’t stop there; he took articles from other SEO experts and made fun of them too in an article. He took one of the same interview about languages and reincarnation on Mirror UK which had nothing to do with it and continued his circus on his blog and twitter, so my colleagues had to respond and remind him what he’s doing is wrong and this behavior backfires. He doesn’t understand that he’s playing with fire and my patience has its limits. Messing with a hacker costs you your password, but messing with an SEO expert will cost you your reputation, your future business and company. In tech world we all should respect each others’ opinion and work in harmony. A web security guy can one thing, but an SEO expert has expertise in many areas. Calling each other names is not the right solution. Of course we don’t expect a blackhat hacker such as Troy Hunt with narcissistic personality understand logic and reasoning. We make sure everybody knows a guy like him online. If a security guy doesn’t like an article, this doesn’t mean that he should call the seo expert who contribute to marketing community and share knowledge pajama boy and make fun of him. That is not called criticism, it is libel and impersonation. Opinions do matter and they require a modicum of respect. Anyway! There will be more articles in such nature in future as I believe people should know how valuable is an SEO expert’s work and time.
PS: SSL/TLS is not safe. Read this article about SSL/TLS-based malware attacks:
PPS: During their defamation on Twitter back then, they threatened to suspend my Twitter account.They mocked me & tweeted ” she doesn’t deserve to have a verified Twitter account! One of them wrote to Troy Hunt’s Twitter comment section that his friend works in Twitter company and he will get my account suspended! They did everything to get me to respond to their defamatory comments on my Twitter, I ignored them, Troy Hunt got his friends to write crap on their blog about me, I ignored again, finally,in May 16th 2019, my Twitter account got hacked and suspended. Troy Hunt is indeed a psychopath and still has not given up on something i wrote about SSL/TLS vulnerability issue back in 2015. Anyway! I decided not to use Twitter anymore due to security issues.
I wrote this article when my Twitter account got hacked and suspended: https://www.maria-johnsen.com/million-dollar-blog/social-media/stop-using-twitter
They heard from some naysayers that SEOs are spam, then all of them blindly agree with it.
I have never seen or read enough information about web security.They use heavy terms which need a special dictionary to understand what they mean. They share and promote each other’s articles.
Many companies annual budget got wasted on hiring the wrong people for the job. A security guy knows one thing, while an SEO expert has specialty in many areas.
It’s absolutely a wise decision to give all tasks of a website to a seo expert who knows security.
Some companies use their in-house seo who outsource to experts. They should train their own seo experts so that they get better results.
Great information about hiring an SEO expert who knows web security. Many companies are not aware of the fact that they miss a lot of opportunities for their business if they don’t hire an seo expert for the job.
Yes indeed. thanks for the comment. 🙂
When a website is launched, the job of a webmaster is just started; he should do the marketing, social media marketing, optimize the website, create landing pages for their Google adwords and Facebook ads, then start the process of link building and keyword ranking. All these processes take a lot of amount of time and effort. Many companies don’t know the importance of hiring a search engine optimizer.
Yes i agree, but not every business know it. Digital Marketing processes are time consuming and hard. Without a digital marketer’s help those security companies won’t be able to sell their products and services.
I think it is a great opportunity for a business to use a multitasking expert. They save a lot of time and money. Many of these security guys are way too expensive. They mainly use some tools to perform the security processes, while an SEO expert does the job semi manually.
Exactly! They save money and CEOs understand perfectly what i am talking about. 🙂
Many companies don’t know the importance of hiring a search engine optimizer.
There is no doubt about hiring seo expert but some of them do spam the web. For example the majority of these Asians use automated tools which hurt a website and many of them don’t know web security either. However I agree with Maria on hiring a multi tasking expert. It definitely a timesaver.
I agree. Some of these security guys are misrepresenting the hard work of SEO experts. We make sure people understand the value of SEO professionals.
SEO specialists can handle many marketing jobs at the same time and deliver impressive quality.
Very true, thank you Daniel.